About Me
- Name: cristián gárate
- Location: Munich, Germany
I.B., Santiago College, Chile, First Honors Contemporary History and Philosophy; Phillip Jessup Moot, UN, New York; J.D.summa cum laude, University of Chile; Postgraduate in Financial and Accounting Analysis, Faculty of Economy, University of Chile, Second Honors; Professor, Law Faculty, University of Chile; LL.M International Taxation, Wirtschafts Universität, Wien, Austria; IFA Researcher, IBFD Amsterdam, Holland, with Dr.Prof. Kees Van Raad and Dr.Prof. Frederik Zimmer; Ph.D. Research Max Planck Institute, Tax Department, Researcher, with Prof.Dr.Wolfgang Schön (2008); Ph.D.c., Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Germany; PhD.c. Law and Political Science, Autonomous University, Spain;Professor at Universita di Torino, Universidade de Sao Paulo,Usach, UAI, Heidelberg LA; IFA Austria-Wolfgang Gassner Foerderungpreis; Tax Associate Lawyer with Carey y Cía.; Delloite & Touche (Chile); Grasty, Quintana,Majlis. Founder ProTax Chile. Title in Musical Interpretation, Flute, EM, Chile. Diploma,Piano (Jazz). Courses RCM, The Hague; Gasteig Cons., Munich. Sho Dan IOGKF, Okinawan Goyu Ryu Karate.
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- Volví a Sudamérica después de 3 años. La llegada n...
- Altamente Calificados en el ExteriorEl fin de sema...
- Jazz it up!Sommerfest Jazz KonzertMax Planck Munch...
- Educational Issues in the European Union - Bilater...
- Live at Lisboa BarLive at Lisboa BarMy Latin Jazz ...
- Samba als Mitglieder von die Samba Schule in Muenc...
- Petitio Principii This essay contains my personal ...
- My Life in a Nutshell ...
At 5:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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